Dead Space Aftermath
It was alright and thought it was a good tie in from the video game. Well written and with the different mixtures of animation come together very nicely un like Ghost in the Shell 2.
The voice talent was also very good unlike most of these spur of the moment straight to video anime designed to sell a game or a movie.
Wouldn't watch it again but a nice anime film in it's own right and it ties in well to Dead Space 2.
The Green Hornet
Well this has been a marmite film, as you either like it or hate it.
I liked it and the humor worked well with the Seth Rogen I loved from Pineapple Express in this with a great support cast of Wilkinson, Diaz, Chou and Waltz.
The biggest problem was the last hour with he writers trying to the usual "best friends fall out and then get back together to save the day" which dragged and did not work at all with everyone knowing they were gonna make up. The finale was also very Hollywood, so for me an alright film but I can see why some detested it.
The Dark Knight
Very good but Batman Begins is still better.
Well it's a very good film but it does have some problems and does drag.
My issue with The Dark Knight is how it'll cut away too often. I'm fine with all the suspense cross-cutting stuff (like the scene where the judge's car blows up, Loeb is killed, and Joker enters the party. And the scene where Batman has to go save Harvey/Rachel while Joker tries to escape from MCU). I'm referring to stuff like when Joker is crashing the party and it cuts away to Bruce entering his safe room and the couple getting dressed. Also the hospital discussion between Joker and Harvey really should have gone on undisturbed.
The ferry scene was also a big problem as we didn't need to see what was going on in the ferry and if anything spoiled the final fight with The Joker and Batman.
All in all good film but still very overrated and people who call this the greatest film ever are idiots to me, fair enough it's their fav but comparing it to The Godfather, Heat etc is insulting to the history of film.
Mr. Nice
OMG!!!!! Snore fest!!!!!
Turned it off after 40 mins and was pretensions, not very well made with corners clearly cut which could have been easily fixed and lacked the humor of the book it was adapting from.
How they made such a fascinating story so boring is beyond me, especially as it's so well cast and has the writer/director of Ivans XTC..
Huge disappointment from me.
The Mechanic
I really enjoyed this as the set pieces are either really well done or really funny. The quotes are hillarious as well and Statham is gold in this.
Not as good as The Transporter but better than anything Charles Bronson did in this genre. Ben Foster is also really good in this and is still greatly underrated in Hollywood. But all in all a good enjoyable film but pretty much watch once and thats it.
Blue Valentine
Good film but just not what I was looking for but both leads of Gosling and Williams were fantastic in this. Very grounded film unlike most films of today felt very real with a documentry tone to the way it's shot. It's told in two narratives with one half telling the down fall of the relationship with the other telling how they got together.
Great film but purely taste on my part that I didn't dig it but it's well worth a watch, esspecially for the acting in this.