As I have mentioned before on this blog I have a 40 min rule with films.
"You have a rule to watching films????"
Yes rules makes us man and everything and everyone have rules, except for that silly law in one of the Lethal Weapons films where the bad guy has diplomatic Immunity and can do whatever he wants (lucky bugger).
Anyway back to the subject of the 40 min rule...
Basically when I watch a film and if I'm totally bored, angry or frustrated with it and the film from what I can gather has no chance of getting better, I quickly check the time and if it's forty minutes or more I turn it off and declare the film rubbish.
Now to some people this is unfair as I'm calling the film rubbish or crap when I haven't seen the film in it's entirety.
Well I just didn't decide one day...Thats it I'm gonna have a forty minute rule. This is something I have noticed in films since I was a kid.
I also gave it a test run about three years ago when I started doing it (I think about ten films). Where I would watch a film and if I didn't like it after forty minutes I would either turn it off or walk out of the cinema.
But I would watch all ten films in their entirety the second time and the results were...10/10 correct I made the right decision. One of them being Peter Jackson's King Kong which to be fair was a marmite film but if you are gonna watch King Kong make sure you watch the original, as it's a cracking film.
So there you go it works (well for me anyway) and I did a proper scientific analysis on the method and got a 100% success rate.
So any filmmakers there reading this...You have been warned.
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