Saturday, 30 June 2012

Films That Need A Reboot

Well I'm gonna start boring and say I have had enough of reboots, for starters Phillip K Dick wrote loads of stories with some still waiting to be made. Now they decide to make Total Recall and from the trailer looks the same as the original to me with story

I liked the original, you can go back to loads of films in the past and say "Look how rubbish it is" but to me that's charm. Great example's would be the fixing of Star Wars and Blade Runner with their mistakes. I mean who cares a cliff appers out of no where in Jurassic Park.
Just lazy in my view from Hollywood and some of the films that are made today are so shoddy with great examples being I Am Legend and the recent Wolverine film and are better done with miniature instead of doing it on the cheap with photoshop rubbish.

Anyway film geek rant over and back on topic.

Remake's that actually could be good and are not a cop out.

TV Shows into films
Errie Indiana - Why hasn't anyone bought the rights for this!
M.A.S.K - Transformers and G.I Joe make a ton of money, why hasn't anyone dones this yet?
The mysterious cities of Gold - No brainer and perfect stuff for Disney to turn into the next big franchise for them.

Anyway back to films
I Am Legend - This time done right!
Stay Tuned - Great concept but rubbish film, get Tim Burton on it this time at least and hopefully it will be back to his old form of Beetlejuice.
The Paralax View- Great concept but has aged a bit and there are a lot of possibities to go with it.
Dune- Can never be bothered to read the book but people won't stop going on about it. Hopefully this will be done right and captures the book. I know Hollywood are working on it but it sounds like it's still in development hell.
Scanners - I love it but when you watch it you can tell Cronenberg was messed around by the Canadian film agency with some of the dialogue and acting being very questionable. Would be really good in todays society as well as a concept.
The Keep - Hey it has zombies taking out Nazi's! what's not to love about that! Oh wait the film was rubbish but give it to Tarrintino or whoever and it will surly be a good laugh.
Dog Day Afternoon - Instead of the gay theme in the film have a man that's doing it all for a building that he wants to marry and shove Jim Carrey in it...I'll watch it lol
and last but not least...

Westworld, c'mon that's a no brainer and was almost remade with Arnold schwarsnikkers.

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