Sunday, 1 July 2012

Nobody loves him

If you are on another planet and don't know, Spiderman comes out this week and there are adverts everywhere for it even a game and there are probably happy meals for it.
But so far to my surprise no one cares it's coming out, no real talk on the net like Batman or The Avengers...Just the attitude "Another one already and why are they starting again"

Considering Spiderman is in my view in the top 3 superheroes this is shocking and the good reviews it's had.

Now don't get me wrong I knew there was gonna be a fair amount of people with this attitude but I have seen no one (including writing on the net) who are excited that a new Spiderman film is coming out.

I also felt the first trailer that was released by Sony looked so much like the first one but even though I'm sick to death of superhero films and want them to die down a little as there are too many of them, I actually wanna see Spiderman do well (The 2D release anyway) because most of the film have done things practical unlike the previous Spiderman films with wiring (an approach similar to the original Superman film) which looks so much better if you can do it.
Also two people Andrew Garfield who I think is a really good young actor who was great in The Social Network and should have been nominated for an Oscar. Then there is Marc Webb the director who did a good film called 500 days of Summer and clearly demonstrated he's very talented and could have a good future if he has his way.

Anyway in all honesty I will be surprised if it makes the big bucks like the other Spiderman films. as it's a recession and families will be saving up for only one or two films with The Avengers, Brave and Batman being top priority's.
Leaving the older audience who have already seen the first three and a film that is aimed at a younger audience as Spiderman is all about cheesy one liners from the comics I believe.

Anyway I'm watching it as I have a Cineworld card and as always, I will go in with an open mind.

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